Assessment and motivation

Operations of any company can be improved only when its employees show engagement in enhancing the work processes on a daily basis.

This requires assessment and motivation.
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The TIMATE card automatically evaluates 6 work areas

If an employee's working day went well, the card will show them positive icon to let them know that everything is fine. You can also configure the system to show a negative rating in some situations. Then the employee will know that something needs to be improved - he will find an explanation of the problem with his supervisor or in the application.

Each employee can receive a partial evaluation for: worktime, use of the working time, safety, task performance, achieved results

Additionally, managers can receive aggregated grades for: use of working time in processes, and team management (for supervisors).

Employee assessment is time-consuming for the management board and supervisors.

If the assessment results are conveyed only periodically, they do not change the way people work - a company loses time and money due to inefficient work.

The TIMATE system provides a way out of this impasse.

It implement a daily automatic system for assessment and motivation of employees without any active participation by the management boards. It creates feedback between work and assessment in such a way that the company operations keep improving, which results in self-enhancement of business processes.

What can you do to assess work?

Assess the working time

To make your company function better, it is best to start with the optimization of the use of the available working time. This optimization will make the use of the working time more effective by preventing overtime or superfluous employment.The system generates a positive assessment if the employee is not late and does not shorten working time, does not increase breaks beyond the limit and does not work overtime not reported to the employer.

More about the working time

Assess safety compliance

Employees should always comply with safety rules in their work environment. How to make sure that employees do not jump off ramps, do not go near hazardous zones, do call for help only in situations which actually require help and do use personal protective equipment? These aspects are also assessed by the system, ensuring immediate individual recognition of all safety-supporting actions.

More about safety support

Assess task performance

Everyone in an enterprise has some tasks to perform. If the tasks are sent to the cards in the form of a list, employees can use their cards to inform they are performing particular tasks. The system will recognise that tasks have been assigned, completed or completed within the required time-frame.

More about tasks

Assess the work results

The TIMATE card generates an indicator which shows how many pre-defined units an employee performs during an effective hour. In order to receive this information, we integrate the TIMATE system with a production or logistic management system (depending on the business sector) and download its data into the card. Now employees can track their work results on an ongoing basis.

More about the work results

Assess downtime levels

The TIMATE system will assess the level of downtime compared to the norm for a given position, in a team managed by a given manager. He will check whether the work is done in the right place, time and what is the intensity of movement indicating physical or mental work. This data is automatically converted into indicators, which is the basis for detecting anomalies in business processes involving the occurrence of unjustified downtime.

More about working time use

Assess managers with the quality of their management

Managers, foremen and masters often cause bottlenecks in company operations. They are responsible for how employees actually work. That is why they should also be assessed. The TIMATE system gives managers a positive assessment for management if all their direct reports also earn positive assessment in all the areas listed above.

More about manager support

Each of the above areas is automatically assessed by the TIMATE system

The scope of the assessment displayed on the card screen is fully configurable depending on the management goals. For example, you can present to managers and employees a partial evaluation result for the previous day in the form of simple symbols: positive or negative separately for each area described above.

Based on the assessment results and data from TIMATE, it is possible to construct an effective and fair motivation system.

The automated motivational system can respond to situations in the enterprise even on a daily basis, positively correcting business processes.

What can you do to build a motivational system?

Treat data collected and provided by TIMATE in a comprehensive way. Use such data to enhance all aspects related to motivation:

Create a fair bonus system

TIMATE uses the assessment results to award points to individual employees. The areas subject to assessment are: working time, use of the working time, maintaining safety, performing tasks, achieved results. For managers, these are also points for team management. Now all you have to do is link the points to the bonus system.

Appreciate your employeesand managers

The assessment system can be configured so as to recognise and appreciate each positive action within out of four areas for employees and an additional two for managers. Thanks to this, the system rewards daily simple actions in these areas, such as not being late for work, staying safe or completing all tasks. The card features an easy-to-understand pictogram .

More about areas

Make the working time more flexible

In certain situations, it is a good idea to make the working time more flexible - TIMATE can process a monthly pool of hours and equivalent time. The number of hours to be worked in the given month is displayed on the card screen and updated on an ongoing basis. You think about shortening the working time? TIMATE provides tools for a precise time measurement and the assessment of its use. Based on such data, it is easier to decide whether and how the working time can be reduced.

More about the working time

Make sure employees take their breaks

All employees should be able to take breaks during their working day. A break must be neither too long or too short. The number and the time of breaks are displayed on the card screen. The TIMATE card automatically monitors the intensity of manual work and suggest taking a break to rest. In the case of office work, it would a break in order to move around or do some simple exercises.

More about the working time

Limit and track overtime

TIMATE makes it possible to verify the actual working time. The tools available directly on the card enable tracking and limiting overtime. They prevent overstrain and excessive prolongation of the working time at the cost of employees’ life problems.

More about the working time

Enhance safety

TIMATE provides a range of tools to support safety by increasing the sense of security for all employees. It offers advanced methods such as accident detection or prompts to use personal protective equipment as well as simple mechanisms, e.g. calling for help with one SOS button on the card.

More about safety support

Improve working conditions

TIMATE provides various tool to monitor working conditions. It measures temperature in production halls or warehouses and generates alerts if it is too high or too low. It monitors lighting at work. Thanks to the heat maps indicating the use of working spaces, it is possible to verify whether the layout of workstations is appropriate.

Create the atmosphere of collaboration

TIMATE cards have simple function which employees can use to say thank you for the assistance provided by their co-workers. A manager can appreciate an employee's good work, while employees can thank one another for any help they get.

Adjust standards to capacities

TIMATE makes it possible to define standards and calculate indicators for the use of the working time. It also accounts for the work results using a performance indicator. Such indicators can be individually calibrated for the company or even for particular types of job positions. TIMATE checks the indicators for individual employees and calibrates these indicators so as motivate employees to achieve better results without excessive strain.

More about the use of the working time

Define tasks clearly

It is important to define tasks clearly or help in task management depending on the job position. Precisely formulated expectations can be easily conveyed to employees with the use of the task system on the card, and then such tasks can be fairly assessed and analysed.

More about tasks

Let your employees influence the company operations

The access to information on the TIMATE card screen and in the WWW panel strengthens the sense of empowerment. When you share the information about the work flow, tasks and results with employees, they become more engaged and motivated. You can use the messages sent to the card in order to create simple survey systems that will ask employees about their opinions on various business matters.

More about communication

Implement elements of gamification

The WWW panel available on the smartphone after placing the TIMATE card against it and using NFC resembles a fitness application in sports watches. Let the work be just like doing sports. TIMATE enables the results monitoring and scoring points - these are new elements of gamification available to employees and preventing monotony at work.

More about the TIMATE card

The association of the assessment provided by TIMATE with the bonus system is only one element of the motivational system.

Ask your employees: "What can I do for you"
Use data generated by TIMATE to better answer this question and motivate your crew.

Boost motivation

See what else you can do to boost the motivation of your employees

Make sure your employees can check their assessment on their own

An employee can always ask the manager about the reasons for any given assessment. The TIMATE application provides a detailed explanation of how the assessment is determined. In addition, when the employee puts his/her NFC-enabled smartphone against the card, the device screen (a Web browser) will show information about the working day, including the assessment shared by the employer. This option requires no installation of any application on the smartphone.

Make sure employees are recognised for good work and give thanks for help

Creating a good atmosphere at work contributes to positive motivation. TIMATE cards provide the option to recognise and appreciate another person's work. In this way, a manager can increase the number of bonus points for employees. Employees can thank each other for any help they get.

Associate the bonus system with the automatic assessment system

For the TIMATE system to actually influence how employees work, it is best to combine the assessment results and points awarded by TIMATE with the financial bonus granted to employees. Data from the TIMATE system can support a fair division of the existing financial pool designated for bonuses. The number of points awarded for a positive assessment can be defined separately for each area. This will accentuate important areas. If a company puts a special emphasis on punctuality, we can increase the available number of points for the area of the working time. If achieved results are crucial, we add more points for this area.

Act as a consulting company on a daily basis

The TIMATE system operates similarly to a consulting company by constantly improving the way your company functions. The difference is that a consulting company evaluates an enterprise only periodically, while TIMATE does it every day. This translates into huge savings related to the optimization of the company’s operations.