Task management system

The TIMATE card enables task assignment

Assign specific task to employees and make sure they know what to do, when and where. This is essential in manufacturing and logistic, where large numbers of employees have no access to computers.
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Every employees has some tasks assigned.

Often these tasks are related to customers, types of production, cost-generation areas, projects etc. The information about task completion times is crucial for calculating prices of products and services as well as for billing your customers. Such task processing is easy when employees have access to computers. It gets complicated, though, when they work manually in large facilities. What can you do if you do not want to provide them with company smartphones? They can use a simple task completion monitoring system provided by TIMATE cards.

How can you ensure effective task performance in your company?

Organise tasks in queues and assign them to employees

The TIMATE system can be used when you can group tasks into queues. The first five tasks are automatically sent to the TIMATE card. After the first task is completed, the next one in the queue is added automatically. The card screen displays the list of tasks with descriptions.

Track the time spent on particular tasks and the task status

By pressing one button, the employee selects the first task and changes its status to “in progress”. When the task is finished, it gets the status “completed” and the employee can move to the next task. It is also possible to “reject tasks” and “suspend tasks” to deal with other tasks first. The system receives the information about the task completion time and its status.

The task description is fully visible on the C3 card screen, but also on the smaller C2 card screen.

Check task details with a smartphone

The card screen shows only a short description of the task (e.g. its number and required actions). However, when the employee puts his or her card against a smartphone with NFC, a detailed description will be displayed along with any additional files, e.g. documentation of the machine under repair. The employee can also view the list of tasks and modify it to some extent. This provides further opportunities for interaction with the schedule of tasks without using a computer.

Use the working time spent on tasks in your company systems

Import data about task completion times to your controlling systems or customer billing systems. You can use the flexible API provided by the TIMATE system.

Do you already have task supervision systems?

If your already have or you are looking for a system supervising tasks, jobs, calls or routes, check how the TIMATE system’s API works, helping to ensure integration with such systems.