Safety of real properties during the pandemic. TIMATE makes it possible

Employees working from home, schools and restaurants closed. It would seem that such circumstances are not favourable to the development of the commercial property sector. However, surveys indicate that the number of office buildings and warehouses in Poland is growing. What changes is the way they are used. First of all, owners, tenants and managers have to follow the sanitary guidelines and ensure the safety of their employees and guests. TIMATE can help here.

Working in a hybrid model. Choose technologies which ensure safety and effective contact with employees

Recent months have brought huge and unexpected changes to the work organization in multiple companies and industrial enterprises. Many of them have implemented the hybrid model which allows to reduce the number of people working together in an office or a plant, thereby increasing the employee safety level. How does TIMATE support organizations which decide to use such solutions?

How to make savings in a time of crisis? TIMATE’s guide for businesses

The World Trade Organization predicts that the global commerce will diminish by 13–32% in the nearest future. The reason, of course, is the pandemic which put many companies and factories on hold and reduced the demand for products and services. As a result, businesses seek savings that would help them survive the hard times. TIMATE’s analyses show that the change in monitoring the employees’ working time can reduce the costs to a considerable extent.

Unsure about the future, companies often make chaotic decisions. It is perfectly understandable that they suspend recruitment, but they also stop seeking new orders, since they believe they do not have sufficient resources to carry out new processes. They fall into a trap: they have no money to build teams and the shortage of employees reduces their income.

TIMATE allows to reduce the working time waste by 80%. This means savings up to several hundred thousand PLN per year

Enterprises which have implemented the TIMATE system use the new working time monitoring tool to completely eliminate the problem of leaving work for private purposes or unauthorized overtime. They also shortened the cigarette breaks by 78%. In general, they have managed to limit the working time waste by 80%. As a result, they save up to several hundred thousand PLN per year.

School during the pandemic. Chaos or an opportunity to digitalize education?

The beginning of the new school year in September will be different than ever before. Students and teachers will return to schools after an exceptionally long break. Also, the school environments will be completely new. Most probably, the rules of the sanitary regime will have to be followed in order to ensure the safety of students and the school personnel and protect them from COVID-19. It will be a challenge, that’s for sure, but there are ways to deal with it successfully. The good news is that technologies can help students and teachers to function effectively in the new realities.