Nowadays, smart cards, sensors and wireless technology can provide advanced assistance in enterprise management. The big difference in comparison to traditional access cards is that TIMATE operates in a fully automatic mode. It switches on automatically and uses sensors to collect and analyse reliable information about motion. Unlike traditional systems, it does not require clock in/out. It is fully reliable when it comes to analysing the working time, usage, employee safety, information about the employee location, task delegation and the progress of remote work.
See how TIMATE works
Watch the animation to see how the system works
Assessment and motivation
TIMATE is the first hardware system for employee assessment and motivation. It allows for daily assessments of employees’ work based on reliable data. The assessment is displayed by the card and available on the spot. This method of employee evaluation is much more effective than face-to-face meetings once a year or every 6 months. It supports a swift implementation of necessary changes and motivates employees to work better.
TIMATE enables automatic collection and analyses of data related to business operations, procedures and methods. Based on such data, the system evaluates how teams and businesses function on an ongoing basis within six areas: time and attendance, use of the working time, safety, task performance, results and management. The summaries of the areas are displayed on the cards of both employees and managers at the end of each business day in the form of clear pictographs (smiling, neutral or sad faces). The instant and comprehensive evaluation of how an enterprise functions allows managers to quickly notice any emerging problems and respond to them through a relevant modification of production and business processes, thereby achieving higher efficiency and real savings. Importantly, each employee and manager can see the assessment on their cards which they have on them all the time while at work. If managers want to learn more details about how their teams work and check the reasons for a negative assessment in a particular area, they can access the TIMATE system to view the specific analyses and data. The assessment system can also be efficiently used as a motivational tool for employees by granting them points which then result in rewards and bonuses.
Though the market offers devices supporting detection of an accident and incident at work, they usually demand some additional infrastructure that generates extra costs. TIMATE is a system designed to ensure the employee safety. It also informs and to informs the employer about any unfortunate events./h5>
The card uses special sensors to detect threats and accidents on the company’s premises. The safety module is connected with the employee recognition functions, so the employer receives the ID of the employee in connection with the detected threat or accident. The most frequent excuse of construction site workers who fail to wear a helmet is that they did not know about the helmet requirement in the particular zone. TIMATE comes in to help and support safety in such situations. The C1 sensor is attached to the personal protective equipment (helmets, uniforms etc.), while the employee has the smart ID card. The system detects the motion of both cards and monitors the use protective items. Moreover, if the location function is on, you can also check whether the employee has been using PPE in the zones which specifically demand it. If the employee is not using the required protective equipment, he or she will receive a reminder on the ID card with a beep. This information will also get to the manager. The sensors in the card can detect hits and falls from heights. When they happen, the employee can use TIMATE to confirm that he or she is safe and sound. When the location function is on, the system can point to the position of the card holder (in a room or in a section of the building). This information can be particularly important to the employer when an accident occurs. The cards also have the SOS button which ensures the quickest way of notification about threats or incidents. The system can come useful in occupational health as well: by using the screen and a beep, it can inform the employee that it is now time for a break or that the break is over and work has to be resumed.
The task-based recording of time and attendance is not easy and it often requires manual completion of time sheets. Though there are special TNA programs and applications available on the market, they can be useful only if the employee has constant access to the computer. In practice, that’s not always possible. TIMATE makes it possible to record task-based work in industries where employees have no contact with computers.
The card can also help employees who have a regular access to computers, since it provides a quicker view of the assigned tasks. The TIMATE smart card uses radio waves to communicate with the central station and the IT system in order to download the employee’s task schedule based on the duties specified in projects or procedures (e.g. maintenance or customer service). Tasks and their description are displayed on the card screen. The card holder can do the tasks in any order. The card checks the time devoted to each task. This function allows to manage the staff in real time and enables easier and quicker communication between the employer and the employee.
Plan performance
Each company, especially in the production industry, runs its daily activity according to precise plans. Often IT systems are used to prepare such plans. However, such solutions are usually accessed only by managers. Meanwhile, production team members do their work without knowing anything about their progress in the plan performance. TIMATE changes that.
The TIMATE system can use a flexible API to connect to other solutions within the enterprise, including those which are use for production planning. TIMATE helps to assess the extent to which the planned tasks have been performed and which part of the plan has been completed at any given time. The plan performance assessment is displayed daily on employee’s cards. The card can show the plan completion status in different ways, e.g. in the form of a progress bar. If a company has no planning solution of its own, the TIMATE system can perform this function. It can be used to prepare plans which will then be carried out by employees and teams. In such a case, the plan progress will also be verified on a daily basis and the assessment will be displayed on employees’ and managers’ cards. As a result, they can quickly respond and modify crucial production and business processes if needed.
In line with the OHS regulations, the employer must ensure that the organization and place of work provides the employees with protection against threats, accidents and exposure to factors which can damage health. Unfortunately, in some cases personal protective equipment is cumbersome, so employees are reluctant to use it. The most popular method to verify protection is to designate zones which require special security measures. The problem is that you cannot always enforce and be sure that employees wear helmets or protective uniforms. In such cases, the supervision by the manager is called for.
TIMATE changes it by automating the process that monitors the use of personal protective equipment. It notifies the employee about entering the threat zone and the requirement to use extra protections. The system also warns the employer when the employee fails to use personal protective equipment. Furthermore, TIMATE can secure rooms against unauthorized access. It enables recording time and attendance in places which demand confidentiality. The cards can unblock access and verify if the given employee is actually authorized to be in the special zone. When the function to locate items and vehicles is on, the system can detect where the machine (e.g. a forklift) operates and where it is used most often. It can also point to its approximate location in the zone. As a result, the company owners can easily manage the equipment and analyse its use in a thorough manner.
Team management
An enterprise can employ a team comprised of the best people, but even the greatest teams need to be managed efficiently in order to function smoothly. However, management is not about assigning tasks and checking their completion. It is much more important to monitor the team’s work and the load of duties as well as to respond in a timely manner to all situations which may disrupt the team’s effectiveness and the business plan performance. Thanks to TIMATE managers get clear information about how their teams work on a daily basis.
Managers receive a daily summary of their team’s work, which is displayed on their cards. The pictogram-based assessments pertain to specific areas (time and attendance, use of the working time, safety, task performance, results) as well as the team management level which indicates the manager’s efficiency in his or her supervisory role. The overall evaluation of the team is the average value of the scores recorded on the given day for particular team members. If any area has a negative assessment, the manager can find information about the source of the problem in TIMATE. The system analyses the averaged result of the teams’ work and generates detailed collective and individual feedbacks. They are displayed in the form of indicators, charts and lists which can be used to diagnose the particular stages of business processes and the management quality. This information identifies people overburdened with too many tasks as well as employees who fail to do their job effectively for various reasons (due to their own fault or otherwise). Enterprises with numerous employees can use such information to respond to problems as soon as they emerge instead of waiting until the end of the quarter/year. The TIMATE card provides a real support to managers within the basic areas of the working time, task and safety management.
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Dane osobowe
Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych w rozumieniu Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 UE z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. (dalej: „RODO”) jest TIMATE Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Chorzowie (41-506) przy ul. Długiej 1-3, wpisanej do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców pod numerem KRS: 0000781322, dla której akta rejestrowe prowadzi Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-Wschód w Katowicach, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, NIP: 6272762075, REGON: 383076064, kapitał zakładowy: 10.800 zł (Spółka / Administrator).
Państwa dane osobowe będą przetwarzane przez Administratora, w szczególności w następujących celach:
obsługi zgłoszeń kierowanych do Administratora poprzez formularz kontaktowy / landing page / Panel partnera,
bieżącej realizacji umów zawartych z Administratorem, w tym procesowania zgłoszeń reklamacyjnych i zgłoszeń serwisowych,
przesyłania wiadomości zawierających informacje handlowe,
prowadzenia marketingu podmiotów współpracujących z Administratorem (za uprzednią zgodą),
obrony przed ewentualnymi roszczeniami,
analitycznym i statystycznym.
Dane będą przekazane podmiotom przetwarzającym je na nasze zlecenie na podstawie umów z Administratorem, ale tylko w celu i zakresie niezbędnym dla realizacji ww. celów, w tym podmiotom świadczącym na naszą rzecz usługi IT lub inne usługi zapewniające prawidłowe funkcjonowanie Serwisu, przy czym takie podmioty przetwarzają dane wyłącznie zgodnie z poleceniami Administratora.
Poza wymienionymi podmiotami Państwa dane mogą zostać udostępnione wyłącznie podmiotom upoważnionym do tego na podstawie przepisów prawa. Administrator serwisu dołożył należytej staranności w celu odpowiedniego zabezpieczenia przekazanych danych osobowych, a w szczególności przed ich udostępnieniem osobom nieupoważnionym.
Państwa dane osobowe będą przetwarzane wyłącznie przez czas niezbędny do osiągnięcia celu przetwarzania lub do odwołania przez Państwa zgody.
Państwa dane osobowe mogą być przetwarzane na podstawie:
a) zgody (art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO), w szczególności w celach marketingowych podmiotów współpracujących,
b) w związku z wykonaniem umowy, której stroną jest osoba, której dane dotyczą, lub do podjęcia działań na żądanie osoby, której dane dotyczą, przed zawarciem umowy (art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO), w szczególności w związku z korzystaniem z poszczególnych funkcjonalności Serwisu,
c) spełnienie zobowiązania wynikającego z przepisów prawa zarówno krajowego jak i unijnego zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit. c RODO;
d) do celów wynikających z prawnie uzasadnionych interesów realizowanych przez Administratora, w tym udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania przesłane za pośrednictwem formularza kontaktowego / formularza zgłoszeń serwisowych / landing page oraz w celach statystycznych i analitycznych Administratora, gdzie uzasadnionym interesem Administratora jest możliwość dokonywania analiz i statystyk prowadzonych przez niego działań wynikająca z art. 6 ust. 1 lit f) RODO, a także dla celów obrony przed ewentualnymi roszczeniami na zasadzie prawnie uzasadnionego interesu Administratora gdzie uzasadnionym interesem Administratora jest obrona Administratora przed roszczeniami osób trzecich.
W każdej chwili istnieje możliwość wycofania zgód wyrażonych w Serwisie, w tym zgody na przetwarzanie danych w celach marketingowych podmiotów współpracujących z Administratorem. Odwołanie zgody na przetwarzanie nie będzie miało wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano przed jej wycofaniem.
Przysługuje Państwu prawo żądania dostępu do danych, sprostowania, usunięcia, przenoszenia lub ograniczenia ich przetwarzania, a także prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania. Jeśli chcą Państwo skorzystać z przysługujących Państwu praw prosimy o przesłanie do nas wiadomości na adres: (prosimy o oznaczenie w tytule wiadomości: „dane osobowe”).
Bezpieczeństwo danych osobowych jest dla nas priorytetem, jeśli jednak uznają Państwo, że przetwarzając Państwu dane osobowe naruszamy przepisy RODO, przysługuje Państwu prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.