The cards can work offline, recording working time and checking whether the employee is doing work or has downtime without contact with the online infrastructure of the Timate System.
Optionally, you can extend the system's location detection area to work offline. Install CT-ET main units operating in offline locator mode or separate battery-powered C1-P offline locators. You can place these devices in the field, on structures, buildings, lampposts, outside the standard online infrastructure of the Timate system.
It is then possible to additionally record the location while working offline.
If employees form a mobile team and enter customer premises, they can take the battery-powered C1-P offline locators with them. Such locators can also be placed on cars. The system records whether an employee works near the offline locator. Using the card, the employee can confirm the position of the locator by bringing it to his or her smartphone with NFC and using its GPS. In this way, you can easily obtain the position of locators that are used on mobile devices and can be shown on the map. The system will automatically detect if this confirmed locator position would change.
After transferring the data when returning to the company, the TIMATE system provides the history of the employee's location on a map of facilities where the position of offline locators is located. In addition to the position, the recorded working time and how it was used are also provided, specifying whether the person was sitting or moving and with what intensity. Using a simple graphical tool, one dispatcher can view the data of many employees. Additionally, the temperature and battery status of the locators are provided.
Employees can also confirm their position on an ongoing basis using the GPS built into their smartphone. All they need to do is bring the card closer to their smartphone, which will transmit the data via NFC built into the smartphone and the card.
The cards of employees who work outside the online infrastructure of the Timate system can continue to count working time unattended and automatically by going offline. Additionally, if an employee works near an offline locator (CT-ET control panel in this mode or C1-P device), information about his/her location will also be registered. In this way, the manager receives information about whether employees work near the locator. The data is sent to the system when the employee returns to the company and allows the entire working day to be analyzed. In such a scenario, it is possible to use the system in companies with extensive and diversified infrastructure or, for example, construction sites when working in open areas. In those places where it is too difficult or unprofitable to build the online infrastructure of the TIMATE system.
Regardless of whether the card is within the range of the control unit near the vehicle or outside it, the card will detect the nature of work and downtime. Thanks to this, you can better understand what the working day of an employee performing field tasks looks like in the context of his position. Thanks to this mechanism, you can ensure that employees take their breaks from work and do not perform overtime tasks.
Cards - C1 sensors can be installed on equipment and monitor its use. Additionally, they facilitate securing the equipment and related inventory activities.