Customize TIMATE

Large enterprises require an individual approach towards the integration of the system and the cards.

We provide developers and IT integrators with various options of independent customization of the system in big companies.
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Three scopes of the TIMATE system customization are available:

Integrate TIMATE via the API

Developers receive the Web API, a set of functions which enable easy exchange of data between TIMATE and external systems in a two-way communication model. The systems that can be integrated include HR, WMS, MES,ERP, CRM and other maintenance or communication systems.

More about the API
Create your own versions for some of the card forms

In the case of large installations, it is possible to develop an individual versions for some of the card screens, e.g. customizing the text of predefined messages.

Develop an individual application on the TIMATE card

We can extend the capability of our cards with the possibility of independent programming! You will be able to create your own card menu and use it as an extension of our solutions or other (your own) solutions. With the use of a simple programming language for TIMATE cards, you will code all functions of your application and test them on a simulator before implementation.

Ask us about the possibility to build outstanding energy-saving business applications and more by using the ePaper screen and real-time communication with the server.

Ask us about the possibility to integrate I2C-based sensors with the card.

Sounds interesting?

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